The well-being of a community as a whole is crucial. Health is one of the key components that define a community, including the water we drink, the food we eat, and the air we breathe. The elimination of potentially hazardous debris around our homes, schools, and roadways is a major benefit of street sweeping for community health. These substances may include metals, chemical compounds, noxious nutrients, and more. For every acre of swept roadway, between 1,100 and 2,100 tons of trash are eliminated per year.
Keeping Pennsylvania Roads Clean & Safe for 30 Years
There are two main advantages to street sweeping for municipalities. The most noticeable advantage is that gutters are kept clean of gravel, leaves, and other debris that might accumulate there. During heavy rains, this material can clog storm drains and lead to flooding in low-lying areas.
There is also the crucial but more hidden advantage of cleaning the air of metal fragments and other dangerous waste items released by passing automobiles. Although these particles are so small that the naked eye cannot detect them, they can do serious harm to fish and other aquatic organisms if they make their way into our rivers and streams.
Sweeping the streets of a city is an efficient way to get rid of pollutants that accumulate there. We use sweeping as a BMP (Best Management Practice) for pollution prevention and water quality enhancement. On average, motorized sweeping can divert 220,000 pounds of waste from the streets and away from the storm sewers.